Positive Motivation - 3 Tips To Help You Improve Employee Productivity

We have heard many people say, "There just aren't enough hours in the day." And we have probably said it ourselves. If you want to achieve more in any given time span, stop and take stock of what you're doing. The chances are that you suffer from interruptions, a lack of planning and jumbled priorities.

The best part is that thanks to an increasingly litigious society, and a few notable corporations going bust, it's becoming your responsibility to keep these emails just as you would financial records. That way, when the auditors come they have a clean trail to follow so they know who to blame.

Communicate the benefits. You will only receive the rewards of improved productivity if those in a position to give these rewards know about it. You need to make it visible up and across the organisation. Case studies and newsletters are one way to do this.

What follows are my biggest tips for improving productivity your productivity that I've learned while living the entrepreneurial lifestyle. While there will be some information you've heard before I guarantee there will also be some you haven't. But improving your productivity has nothing to do with reading, understanding, or knowing the following information. It is only when you take these tips and put them into practice that they will make a difference.

I couldn't even allow myself ten measly minutes to unplug and wind down without kicking myself into a whimpering, cowering mess. The guilt was too much.

You may ask, "What is the purpose of knowing my energy level curve?" Simply by scheduling your most important tasks of the day- those that need a lot of effort and concentration-during your most active hours, you will become ultra-productive. Save the easy or unimportant tasks for the lazy hours when your energy and concentration are low. Do you see how this can make website you ultra-productive? How often have you spent your most active moments doing routine or easy tasks, essentially wasting those productive hours on activities that require minimum effort and concentration? And then, when the time comes to do heavy tasks, you find yourself exhausted. That's when you start to procrastinate and perform low-quality work.

Manage your stress levels. Constantly trying to improve your productivity can create stress which can lead to burn out. Avoid this by agreeing your goals with your boss, allocating your time effectively as described earlier so that you are not trying to do more than you can in the time available, learn to say "no" to tasks that do not fit in with your plan (or agree with your boss what the new task will replace) and above all be organised.

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